This place is mostly for myself to remember all that I did. On some very rare occasion, it also comes in handy for some academic paperworks.
If you'd like me to speak at your event/conference, feel free to reach out.
Invited Talks
Excluding conference orals, see below for that.
- Upcoming: 11.2024 ML in PL, talk (..., 7-10 Nov)
- 07.2024 ICML DMLR workshop keynote + panelist (announcement, recording)
- 07.2024 ELLIS workshop talk (announcement)
- 04.2024 Zürich Computer Vision meetup talk (announcement)
- 12.2023 Zürich NLP meetup talk (announcement)
- 12.2023 Co:Here 4 AI public talk (recording)
- 11.2023 Aleksa Discord public talk (recording)
- 08.2023 RANLP keynote (announcement)
- 01.2023 Co:Here 4 AI public talk (recording)
- 12.2022 NeurIPS Meta-Learning workshop talk (announcement)
- 10.2022 meetup talk (announcement >400 attendees, tweet, recording)
- 10.2022 (AlephAlpha) speaker series talk (announcement, summary)
- 10.2022 Munich NLP meetup talk (recording)
- 09.2022 Transformers for Environmental Sciences keynote (announcement)
- 07.2022 ICML shift happens workshop keynote + panelist (announcement, feedback, thanks)
- 06.2022 CVPR Transformers 4 Vision workshop panelist (announcement)
- 03.2022 ZHAW colloquium talk (announcement)
- 03.2022 London ML meetup talk (announcement, recording)
- 03.2022 ByteDance invited speaker series private talk
- 10.2021 EPFL colloquium talk (recording)
- 07.2021 HuggingFace Jax/Flax hack-week talk (announcement, recording)
- 11.2017 DeepMind private talk about BiternionNets.
- 11.2017 Microsoft Research Cambridge private talk about BiternionNets.
- 08.2016 Guelph University: Voting in Computer Vision talk (slides)
Orals from publications
- ICML 2024 Workshop: No Filter: Cultural and Socioeconomic Diversity in Contrastive Vision-Language Models.
- NeurIPS 2023: Image captioners are scalable vision learners too (CapPa).
- ICCV 2023: Sigmoid loss for language image pre-training (SigLIP).
- ICML 2023: Scaling ViT to 22B Parameters.
- ICLR 2023: PaLI: A Jointly-Scaled Multilingual Language-Image Model.
- ICLR 2021: Vision Transformer (ViT).
- ECCV 2020: Big Transfer (BiT).
- ICCV 2019: Self-supervised Semi-supervised Learning.
- ICML 2019 Workshop: Revisiting Self-supervised Visual Representation Learning.
- CVPR 2017 Workshop: Towards a Principled Integration of Multi-Camera Re-Identification and Tracking Through Optimal Bayes Filters.
- GCPR 2015: BiternionNets.
Academic Community Service
Workshop organizer: - NeurIPS 2021: ImageNet past present future. - CVPR 2022-2024: Transformers 4 Vision 1/2/3. - Google DeepMind 2024: internal workshop on multimodal research.
Area Chair:
- NeurIPS (2024, 2023 Notable AC top 8.1%)
- ICCV (2023)
Reviewer: (Multiple outstanding reviewer awards which I have since forgotten.) - NeurIPS (2021, 2019) - CVPR (2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016) - ECCV/ICCV (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016) - ICRA (2018, 2016), IROS (2016), RA-L (2019) - WACV (2021), CVIU (2016)
Misc: - CIFAR reviewer for pan-Canadian AI strategy. - Mentoring at EEML Summer School mentor. - Mentor at CIFAR DLRL faculty mixer. - Google Research interns mentor.
- Upcoming: 07.2024 M2L Summer School lecture (upcoming)
- 08.2023 RANLP Summer School lecture (page)
- 06.2023 ACDL Summer School lecture (page)
- 07.2022 CIFAR DLRL Summer School lecture (page)
- 10.2022 M2L Summer School lecture (page, slides tweet, recording, feedback)
- 10.2021 Stanford CS25 Transformers lecture (page, recording)
- Slides about Licensing and Intellectual Property.
- Material for two lectures introducing Python to scientists who just learned about Mathematica, Matlab and C.
- 2015-2017 RWTH Univ. Advanced Machine Learning class TA and co-designer of course
- 2015 RWTH Univ. Image Processing seminar (co-organizer and supervisor)
- 2013 RWTH Univ. 3D Computer Vision with Kinect seminar (co-organizer and supervisor)
- 2012 RWTH Univ. High-Perf. and Sci. Computing seminar (co-organizer and supervisor)
- 2012 RWTH Univ. Languages for Scientific Computing class TA
- 2010 RWTH Univ. Systematic Software Engineering tutor
- 2009 RWTH Univ. Simulation Technology for Mechanical Engineers tutor
- 2008 RWTH Univ. Simulation Technology 2 tutor
- 2008 RWTH Univ. Data-structures and Algorithms tutor
- 2007 RWTH Univ. Introduction to Programming tutor
- (German) Talk introducing Valgrind to a company I worked at. (As a pdf but looks worse because of missing transitions.)