I use a lot of Open-Source software and libraries which have saved me a tremendous amount of time. In an attempt to give back a bit of what I took, in addition to my numerous own projects that I open-sourced, I try to contribute to many of the projects I use. This page lists those I remember having contributed to, in no particular order.
- The Julia language and many of its packages.
- Coffeescript
- OpenBLAS
- Theano
- PyTorch
- Small parts of the Torch ecosystem: distro, xlua, trepl.
- hyperopt
- Some parts of ROS: core, AVT cameras.
- The STRANDS Project.
- Dao
- vim-coffee-script
- Chipmunk2D
- Pystache
- IPython plugins
- glm
- nnpy (nanomsg's python bindings)
- cityscapes
- edith a DOTA2 replay parser.
- FilterPy